The Benefits of Dental Implants Under One Roof

Getting any kind of dental or medical procedure can be a turbulent time in anyone’s life. Even a routine process like extracting a tooth and placing an implant can cause anxiety or worry for many patients. But getting dental implants under one roof could help alleviate some of the trepidation of treatment. At Coastal Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry, we offer full-service implant treatment from the comfort of our Virginia Beach office.

Getting dental implants under one roof could help alleviate some of the confusion or trepidation of treatment

Understanding the Dental Implant Process

In many cases, getting a dental implant requires treatment at two separate offices. Patients would need to go to an oral surgeon for implant placement and any required extractions. Then, they would need to see their dentist or a prosthodontist for the restoration of that implant. Splitting treatment like this could lead to complications during treatment. But if you can get an extraction, implant placement, and restoration under one roof, then the risks of failure or miscommunication are often lower.

Personalized Treatment Plans

One of the main benefits of completing the implant process in one office is the opportunity to personalize your treatment plan. When you visit your dentist for implant care, they have an initial understanding of your dental record and any existing health concerns. This usually allows them to provide a treatment plan that’s designed to work for your smile. For example, if you need a dental implant but are also considering getting veneers or other cosmetic work, you could get one treatment plan that is created for comprehensive care.

Quicker, More Effective Healing Times

Having one dental team place and restore the implant could help the healing process. When an implant post is surgically placed into your jaw, it can take a few months for it to integrate. If there is a problem during this time, then your implant could fail, possibly causing more difficulties. But if your dentist performed the surgery, they can have a better understanding of what problems to look for during recovery. Follow-up appointments allow your dentist to address issues early on to help prevent further complications.

Customized Restoration Options

Part of your personalized treatment plan includes finding the right restoration option for your dental implants. If you’re getting a single dental implant, then a dental crown is likely the restoration you need. However, multiple dental implants may need a dental bridge or denture. When restoring an implant, your dentist will try to match the restoration to blend seamlessly with your natural smile. Working with a dental team that both places an implant and restores it could help ensure your final restoration is a perfect match.

Where to Get Dental Implants Under One Roof

If you’re worried about the complications of getting dental implants, Coastal Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry is here to help. Our experienced dental implant team, led by Dr. Mark Reichley, offers full-service dental implant treatments for any need. From extraction to final restoration, we’re proud to provide dental implants under one roof for our patients. Contact us today at 757-656-6368 to schedule a consultation and learn more about the implant process.